2006 庼嬈寁夋(敳悎)

僐乕僪 MJ19-01
宯楍 宯楍丗I. English Studies
庼嬈壢栚 儊僨傿傾丒僐儈儏僯働乕僔儑儞摿島侾
暃戣 The Changing Media Worlds
暃愱峌 塸岅塸暥妛暃愱峌丂儊僨傿傾丒僐儈儏僯働乕僔儑儞暘栰
扨埵 2
婜丒梛帪 慜婜 悈1
懳徾妛擭 34擭
摿婰帠崁 丂 丂

This course is a collection of lectures and workshops by professionals in the media who will discuss about current trends and changes taking place in the media world. The course is designed to heighten the students' appreciation of the shifts in modern media and their consequences.
丂You will be expected to write a summary and analysis of each lecture within a week after each presentation, and one final paper at the end of the semester.
丂Handouts will be distributed in class
丂Will be announced in class
丂Students are expected to attend ALL classes, be active participants in class discussions, and hand in their weekly papers (points will be marked off for late papers).
(subject to change)
Changing media worlds劅Introduction(Krakower)
Mediated sports and culture (Morita)
ABC news (Craft)
Newsweek (Sai)
Media and war coverage乮Murakami乯
Broadcast media (Hiyoshi)
Media and language (Koide)
Educational programming (Nakai)
Media and culture (Wilson)
Independent film industry (Imoto)
Corporate public relations Fukunaga)
Marketing and branding (Ueyama)

University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo