コード XB20-01
系列 人文学専攻(博士後期課程)
授業科目 人文学特論Ⅶ-1
副題 (Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath)
担当者 山田 由紀
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 水2
対象学年 院生のみ

 An in-depth reading of Ted Hughes's work, focusing on Birthday Letters, which Hughes described as "a gathering of the occasions on which I tried to open a direct, private, inner contact with my first wife . . . thinking mainly to evoke her presence to myself, and to feel her there listening." We will first read the biography of Hughes by Elaine Feinstein and then examine his poems. We will also refer to Sylvia Plath's poetry and prose.
 Class attendance / oral presentations / term paper
 To be announced.
 Reference books will be introduced in class.
 Regular class attendance and active participation in discussion are required.
1. Ted Hughes: The Life of a Poet
2. Ted Hughes, Birthday Letters
3. Selected Letters
4. Selected Essays
5. Sylvia Plath, Ariel
6. Journals
7. Critical Perspectives

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