コード AS19-01
系列 系列:総合現代教養(自由領域)
授業科目 ポップカルチャーとジェンダー
副題 (Gender and Popular Culture: Boys and Girls, East and West)
副専攻 A2
担当者 KELTS R.
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 木4
対象学年 1(A)?2?3?4年

 Who are you? More importantly: Who are you on Nico Nico Doga, 2ch, YouTube, Mixi and MySpace? Popular Culture is now a transformative medium, encompassing the Internet, your keitai and iPod. You can be either male or female in today's Popular Culture domains—or something else. The dream of literature was once an analog invention. Now that we are all digital: Who are we? And how do digital media affect our perceptions of gender roles? This course will try to explore this essential and classic human question.
 Students will be evaluated on their attendance, class participation, final report scores and group work, depending on class size
 Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the US (paperback edition) Palgrave Macmillan, handouts, videos, others
 Will be introduced in class
 Students are expected to improve their critical-thinking skills, and take notes in English. They are also required to ACTIVELY participate in class discussions.
 (Subject to change)

World War II and definitions of gender

Types of media communication and entertainment

Media-induced race and gender roles

Elitist and the populist views of culture and mass media

Concepts of gender personalities in the late 20th Century

Ethics in pop culture

The digitization of the self

Who owns the voice?

Critical issues regarding profit

A decentralized future

Copyrights 2008 University of the Sacred Heart , Tokyo all rights reserved.

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