コード MM32-01
系列 系列:Ⅲ. Cultural Perspectives
授業科目 英語文化論[児童文学]2
副題 (Fairy Tales and Their Tellers)
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水3
対象学年 2?3?4年

 The second semester focuses on some well-known fairy tales and examines them in the light of the tellers' positions and interests. The stories selected revolve around themes of family strife and love, including recurrent motifs of rivalry and hatred between women, forced marriages and incest. Finally, we will reconsider the issues of voice and/or muteness as strategy of female self-assertion.
 Class attendance / reading assignments / quizzes / term paper and/or creative work
 Jack Zipes ed. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm. A Norton Critical Edition. Norton, 2001.
 Handouts to be distributed in class.
 Marina Warner, From the Beast to the Blond: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers. London: Vintage, 1995.
 Preliminary preparation and active participation in class are essential. Students are expected to take both the first and second semester courses. The class will be conducted in English.
 The Tales
1. Absent Mothers: ‘Cinderella’
2. Wicked Stepmothers: ‘The Sleeping Beauty’
3. Demon Lovers: ‘Bluebeard’
4. Reluctant Brides: ‘Beauty and the Beast’
5. The Silence of the Fathers: ‘Donkeyskin’
6. The Language of Hair
7. The Silence of the Daughters: ‘The Little Mermaid’


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