コード AE12-01
系列 系列:英語
授業科目 2年英語1 A
担当者 濱口 壽子
単位 2
期?曜時 通年 水2
対象学年 2年

 This course is designed to enable majors to improve their basic English skills in the areas most relevant to their studies in English language and literature, and media and communication such as organizing thoughts before speaking or writing, listening and reading for the main point, and widening vocabulary.
 Along with weekly assignments and/or short quizzes in class, students will exercise reading and critical thinking skills. Oral communication skill will be built through group discussions and group/individual presentations. Listening comprehension and dictionary exercises will be also given to enhance listening and vocabulary buidling skills and supplement their learning. Discussion materials range from selected literary texts to articles on current affairs.
 Mosaic 1: Reading. Silver Edition.
 Sub-text: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
 Regular attendance is strictly required.
 Regular attendance, class participation and performance, assignments, quizzes and final exams.
1.Skills and strategies covered in class include but are not limited to the following:
Reading materials without looking up unknown words
2.Understanding words from context
3.Understanding suffixes, compounds, parts of speech
4.Understanding metaphor and figurative expressions
5.Understanding synonyms and antonyms
6.Understanding idioms and specialized terms
7.Recalling information after reading
8.Skimming for general ideas, scanning for details
9.Analyzing paragraphs for the main idea and its development
10.Finding the implied main idea of a paragraph/reading
11.Distinguishing betweeen general and specific statements
12.Distinguishing between facts and opinions
13.Identifying the pattern of organization in a reading
14.Identifying a topic and supporting details in a paragraph
15.Reading charts, graphs, and tables
16.Paraphrasing sentences
17.Understanding cultural differences and similarities
18.Expressing opinions
19.Taking a stance and expressing one's view
20.Synthesizing web content and presenting research results
21.Evaluating opinions
22.Using a graphic organizer to identify development of a story
23.Giving examples and details to support one's opinion
24.Speaking naturally through segmenting phrases
25.Listening accurately
26.Listening to various materials (e.g., news, speech, conversation)
27.Improving grammar through identifying mistakes
28.Using English-English dictionary effectively
29.Short quizzes include but are not limited to the following areas:
Listening comprehension, dictation
Grammar check
30.Final exam will be given at the end of each semester

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