コード GJ14-02
系列 系列:基礎言語コミュニケーション
授業科目 英語コミュニケーションⅡ(2) B
副題 (Colliding Cultures)
担当者 KELTS R.
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 木3
対象学年 3?4年

 To speak, read, write and think in English more clearly and analytically.
 Who are you? More importantly : Who are you on Nico Nico Doga, YouTube, Mixi and MySpace? Culture is now a transformative medium, encompassing the Internet, your keitai and iPod. You can be either male or female in today's Global Culture domains??or something else. The dream of literature was once an analog invention. Now that we are all digital : Who are we? This course will explore this essential and classic human question.
 To be announced in class.
 Roland Kelts, Japanamerica : How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the US (paperback edition, Palgrave Macmillan)ISBN?10 : 140398476X ISBN?13 : 978?1403984760
 Students will be expected to participate actively in class and small group discussions, to give presentations to the class, to read all assignments, and to write clearly and directly about their unique viewpoints. Additional media will include video and audio. We will have in?class tests and written reports.
 In-class tests, presentations and discussions. Several written assignments. Final paper.
1.Japan and America after the war. Dreams of reunification.
2.Current events: Who are you now?
3.The advance of technology in human lives.
4.How are politics and art connected?
5.Nothing lasts but everything matters. Test on review materials.
6.Fiction and nonfiction.
7.Writing and reading for truth and identity.
8.The Japan you were born in: 1980s/90s
9.The US you live with today, and yesterday.
10.Reading media. Test on review materials.
11.Acting out fantasies via what you read and write.
12.Men and women in today's multipolar world.
13.The dream of fiction in the US and Japan.
14.Life after Obama; life under Aso.
15.Write about a frog that comes alive. Frogs are important. Test on review materials. Final papers due.
Please be prepared to speak and participate actively in each class. Bring A4 paper and a pen/pencil to each class.

Copyrights 2009 University of the Sacred Heart , Tokyo all rights reserved.

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