コード MC21-01
系列 系列:Ⅰ. English Studies
授業科目 2年英文演習5-2
副題 (Men and Women in Shakespeare)
副専攻 M2
担当者 酒井 もえ
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 火3
対象学年 1(B)?2年

 Students will learn how to read and discuss Shakespeare critically and analytically.
 How are men and women portrayed in Shakespeare's drama? Are his concepts of "masculinity" and "femininity" different from our own? This course attempts to address these questions by a close reading of Twelfth Night. Attention will also be paid to film versions of the play.
 Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. Ed. Roma Gill. Oxford School Shakespeare. Oxford: OUP, 2002.
 Other handouts to be distributed in class
 To be introduced in class
 Regular attendance and active participation. Students should come to each class prepared and ready to discuss the assigned material.
 Attendance and participation / quizzes / oral presentations / term paper
1.Orientation and introduction
2.Gender and sexuality in Shakespeare's theatre
3.Twelfth Night (Act 1, scenes 1-3)
4.Twelfth Night (Act 1, scenes 4-5)
5.Twelfth Night (Act 2, scenes 1-3)
6.Twelfth Night (Act 2, scenes 4-5)
7.Twelfth Night (Act 3, scenes 1-2)
8.Twelfth Night (Act 3, scenes 3-4)
9.Twelfth Night (Act 4, scenes 1-3)
10.Twelfth Night (Act 5)
11.Film: Twelfth Night (1)
12.Film: Twelfth Night (2)
13.Film: She's the Man (1)
14.Film: She's the Man (2)
15.Tentative conclusion

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