コード MC50-01
系列 系列:Ⅰ. English Studies
授業科目 2年英文講義4-1
副題 (Introduction to Sociolinguistics and Media Language)
副専攻 M1?M3
担当者 濱口 壽子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 金3
対象学年 1(A)?2年

 The aim of this course is to understand the basics of the interrelation between language and society and to observe social and communicative phenomena shown in the media.
 This is a new course designed for the First- and Second-year students who are interested in language, society and the media. We will first study some key concepts in sociolinguistics in order to understand how language is used in various social contexts. Examples of language use will be shown through TV programs, films, and the Internet.
 A reading packet will be given at the beginning of the semester.
 Crystal, David. 1997. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 3rd edition.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Romaine, Suzanne. 1994. Language in Society: An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.  New York: Oxford University Press.
 Will be further introduced in class.
 Although this class will be mainly conducted through the instructor's lecture, students are highly encouraged to actively participate in class discussions. Regular attendance is strictly required.
 Regular attendance, class performance, in-class exercises, and mid-term and/or final exams.
1.Introduction: What is sociolinguistics?
2.What do sociolinguists study?
3.Language, dialect, accent
4.Language vs. dialect: Sociopolitical concerns
5.English dialects
6.Who do you study?: Traditional vs. modern dialect studies
7.Linguistic variables: Regional differences
8.Linguistic variables: Class differences
9.Linguistic variables: Gender differences
10.Linguistic variables: Age differences
11.Social identity and language
12.Language and society through the media: "My Fair Lady"
13.Language and identity: U.K.
14.Language and identity: U.S.
15.Ethnic varieties: African-American Vernacular English
16.Language and society through the media: "Coach Carter" (subject to change)
17.Linguistic accommodation: Convergence and divergence
18.Linguistic accommodation: Pop-song pronunciation

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