コード MD15-01
系列 系列:Ⅰ. English Studies
授業科目 3年英米文学演習5-1
副題 (Images of Childhood)
副専攻 M2
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 火3
対象学年 3年

 Acquiring the ability to read and analyze texts. Acquiring the ability to contextualize some key works of children's literature.
Acquiring presentation skills.
 This course traces the arrival of a completely new literature for children in 19th century England. What was its cultural context and why was this literature born at this particular moment in history? We will consider some groundbreaking works of children's literature from this perspective, while fostering an awareness of how the same concerns and tastes were shared by adult culture.
 Jackie Wullshlager, Inventing Wonderland, Methuen, 1995. Lewis Carroll, The Annotated Alice, New American Library Rpt., 1988. Handouts to be distributed in class.
 Humphrey Carpenter and Marie Prichard eds. The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature. OUP, 1999.
 Victor Watson ed. The Cambridge Guide to Children's Books in English. CUP, 2001.
 Active participation in class. Preparation for presentations. Preliminary reading. The class will be conducted in English. 
 class attendance / oral presentations / short quizzes / watching assigned films / term paper
2.Images of Childhood 1: Before the Romantic Period
3.Images of Childhood 2: The Romantic Period
4.Images of Childhood 3: The Victorian Period
5.Alice in Wonderland 1
6.Alice in Wonderland 2
7.Alice in Wonderland 3
8.Alice in Wonderland 4
9.Kingsley, Ruskin, Macdonald, Rossetti 1
10.Kingsley, Ruskin, Macdonald, Rossetti 2
11.Edward Lear's Nonsense Poems 1
12.Edward Lear's Nonsense Poems 2
13.The Roots of Victorian Fantasy : Andersen
14.Intertextualities 1: Dickens
15.Intertextualities 2: Wilde

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