コード MD53-01
系列 系列:Ⅰ. English Studies
授業科目 4年英語学演習2-1
副題 (Accents of English)
副専攻 M1
担当者 杉本 淳子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 木3
対象学年 4年

 By the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the phonetic differences of a variety of accents.
2. Analyze the characteristics of foreign-accented English and identify the influence of the speakers’ first language.
 This course is designed for students who are writing theses on phonetics. We will read a number of articles related to the topics on accents of English including both native and non-native varieties. All students are required to read the articles critically and actively participate in class discussions. Through reading, we will also study the organization of academic papers, and how writers collect and present phonetic data to support their argument.
 Reading materials will be distributed in class.
 Gimson's Pronunciation of English. 7th ed. (2008. A. Cruttenden. Hodder Education.)
 International English: A Guide to the Varieties of Standard English. 5th ed. (2008. P. Trudgill and J. Hannah. Hodder Education.)
 The Handbook of World Englishes. (2006. B. B. Kachru, Y. Kachru, and C. L. Nelson. Blackwell.)
 World Englishes: A Resource Book for Students. (2003. J. Jenkins. Routledge.)  
 Preliminary reading and active participation in class discussions.
 Attendance, reading assignments, oral presentation, and term paper.
2."Teaching World Englishes" by B. B. Kachru (1)
3."Teaching World Englishes" by B. B. Kachru (2)
4."Estuary English: Tomorrow's RP" by D. Rosewarne (1)
5."Estuary English: Tomorrow's RP" by D. Rosewarne (2)
6.Discussion on the Intelligibility and Foreign-Accented English
7."Learner Attitudes and L2 Pronunciatio in Austria" by C. Dalton-Puffer et al. (1)
8."Learner Attitudes and L2 Pronunciatio i nAustria" by C. Dalton-Puffer et al. (2)
9.Discussion on the Pronunciation Model for Learners of English
10."Which Pronunciation Norms and Models for English as an International Language?" by J. Jenkins (1)
11."Which Pronuncation Norms and Models for English as an International Language?" by J. Jenkins (2)
12.Preparation of Group Presentation
13.Group Presentation (1)
14.Group Presentation (2)
15.Group Presentation (3)

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