コード MF16-01
系列 系列:Ⅰ. English Studies
授業科目 英語学特講2
副題 (Linguistic Introduction to Poetry)
副専攻 M1
担当者 GATER W.
単位 4
期?曜時 通年 月4
対象学年 2?3?4年

 An appreciation of poetry as seen mainly from a technical point of view. Introduction to various literary terms and movements.
 The course is divided into two parts, i. e. the first term which will deal with the linguistic aspects of poetry and the second term which will treat specialized literary terms and movements.
 Leech, G. "A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry".  Longman.
 Abrams, M. “A Glossary of Literary Teems”.
 Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.
 This course is meant for students who already have some background in English literature. Best for third and fourth year students.
 Small tests after every second class and a final examination.
1.General introduction to the concept of poetic language.
2.The difference of poetic as opposed to ordinary language.
3.The creative use of language.
4.Degrees of linguistic audacity.
5.The function or archaism.
6.Types of deviation: lexical, grammatical.
7.Types of deviation: phonological, semantic, dialectal.
8.Patterns of sound: rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia.
9.Rhythm and metre.
10.Syllabic stress and syllabic metres.
11.The foot of conventional poetry:
12.Trochaic, anapestic, dactylic and spondee.
13.Free verse.
14.The main metric line of English: iambic pentameter.
15.Other lines and enjambement.
16.General introduction to rhetorical device.
17.Sound symbolism and phonesthemes.
18.Syntactic devices:
19.Zeugma, chiasmus, hendiadys, oxymoron.
20.Metaphor and metonymy.
21.The simile, synecdoche and personification.
22.Various poetic genres:
23.Epic poetry, various forms of the sonnet, rondeau.
24.Various prose genres:
25.Nobel, novella, essay, drama, myth, fable etc.
26.Fancy and imagination in literature.
27.The linguistic definition of the symbol (peirce).
28.Symbolism in literature.
29.Litotes, hyperbole, irony.
30.Literary movements: classicism, romanticism, modernism.

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