コード AE13-01
系列 系列:英語
授業科目 2年英作文 A
担当者 太田 裕子
単位 2
期?曜時 通年 火2
対象学年 2年

1. develop academic essay writing skills
2. learn how to research library sources
3. learn how to edit essays and make revisions to essays
 This course is designed to enable English majors to acquire clarity and proficiency in academic writing. Students will be instructed to organize their thoughts, prepare outlines, compile bibliographies, and write short research papers on assigned topics.
 Writing Academic English (Longman), Other books may also be used.
 Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
 Other reference books will be introduced in class.
 Regular class attendance is required. All deadlines must be met.
 Research papers / Semester test / Class attendance, etc.
1.Introduction to academic writing
2.Review of paragraph structure
3.Unity and coherence in academic writing
4.Using sources in academic writing
5.Plagiarism: How to avoid it
6.Developing thesis statements
7.Chronological order essay: Organizational structure
8.Transition signals for chronological essay
9.Developing conclusions for chronological essay
10.Peer edit of chronological essay
11.Comparison/Contrast essay: Organizational structure
12.Signal words for comparison/contrast essay
13.Developing conclusions for comparison/contrast essay
14.Peer edit of comparison/contrast essay
15.Review of essay construction and components
16.Review of summer homework assignment
17.Cause/Effect essay: Organizational structure
18.Writing effective thesis statements for cause/effect
19.Signal words and phrases for cause/effect essay
20.Developing conclusions for cause/effect
21.Peer edit of cause/effect essay
22.Argumentative essay: Organizational structure
23.The introductory paragraph of an argument essay
24.Composing the thesis for an argument essay
25.Developing the conclusion of an argument
26.Using reliable sources to support the argument essay
27.Developing the conclusion of the argument essay
28.Peer edit of the argument essay
29.Revising: Key points for revising essays
30.Review of essay construction and class evaluation

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