コード MD04-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 3年英語学演習2-2
副題 (English Sounds and Spelling)
副専攻 M1
担当者 杉本 淳子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水3
対象学年 3年

 By the completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the basic terminology and concepts of phonetics and phonology.
2. Collect and analyze phonetic data to use them in presentations.
3. Understand the organization of an academic article on phonetics and phonology. 
 The first half of the semester is the continuation of Junior Seminar (Linguistics) 2-1. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of spelling reform and analyze the manipulation of spellings observed in text messages. In the second half of the semester, we will read academic articles on phonetics and phonology and practice giving presentations on various topics such as intonation and connected speech phenomena. In these presentations, students are encouraged to collect and analyze data to support their arguments.  
 English Spelling. (Edward Carney. 1997. Routledge.)
 Txtng: The Gr8 Db8. (David Crystal. 2008. Oxford University Press.)
 A Course in Phonetics. 5th ed. (Peter Ladefoged. 2006. Thomson Wadsworth.)
 English Intonation: An Introduction. (J. C. Wells. 2006. Cambridge University Press.)
 Preliminary reading and active participation in class discussions
 Attendance, reading assignments, oral presentation, and term paper
2.Spelling reform (1)
3.Spelling reform (2)
4.Analysis of text messages etc. (1)
5.Analysis of text messages etc. (2)
6.Article 1-(1): Hedges in Japanese and English
7.Article 1-(2): Hedges in Japanese and English
8.Article 2-(1): Intonation on questions
9.Article 2-(2): Intonation on questions
10.Article 3-(1): Connected speech phenomena
11.Article 3-(2): Connected speech phenomena
12.Preparation for group presentation
13.Group Presentation (1)
14.Group Presentation (2)
15.Group Presentation (3)

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