コード MG27-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 英米文学特講8-1
副題 (A Writer's Life)
副専攻 M2
担当者 山田 由紀
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 金1
対象学年 3?4年

 The aim of this course is to analyze the novel, The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini. We will also contrast the novel with the film, The Kite Runner.
 Khaled Hosseini was born in Afghanistan in 1965, and he now lives in the United States. In an interview, Hosseini states that although the story line of his novel is largly fictional, there are "autobiographical elements woven through the narrative." We will read The Kite Runner, watch the film, and try to see how the writer's life is related to the novel.
 Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner (2003)
 Other readings to be supplied as handouts.
 佐藤耕士 訳『君のためなら千回でも』上?下巻
 Other materials to be introduced in class.
 Active participation in class.
 Class atendance / assignments / term exam
1.Novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
2.Hosseini's memories of Afghanistan
3.The narrator, Amir: Childhood in Afghanistan
4.Hassan and Amir's friendship
5.Amir's past of unatoned sins
6.Flight from Afghanistan
7.Fathers and sons: Baba and Amir
8.Sin and Suffering: Finding forgiveness
9.Living life "a thousand times over"
10.Characters: Rahim, Assef, Sohrab
11.Film, The Kite Runner, directed by Marc Forster
12."Poetry" in The Kite Runner
13.Khaled Hosseini on the Internet
14.Khaled Hosseini and the Media
15.Today's issues in Hosseini's work

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