コード MD08-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 3年英米文学演習1-2
副題 (Shakespeare, Childhoods, Translations)
副専攻 M2
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水4
対象学年 3年

 Acquiring the ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated topics. Acquiring a critical awareness of Shakespeare's works and their relevance to pedagogy. Acquiring the tools to analyze texts and performances. Acquiring translation skills.
 Writers of children's literature in English ranging from Beatrix Potter (the Peter Rabbit series) to J.K.Rowling (the Harry Potter series) have responded variously to Shakespeare. Following our examination in the first semester, this semester extends our focus to include novels for children and adolescents and picture books for young readers which respond in some way to Shakespeare. Students will be encouraged to discover hitherto unnoticed connections and to engage in creative projects related to key issues in Shakespeare, child studies and/or translation.
 To be announced.
 Handouts to be distributed in class.
 Reference books will be introduced in class.
 Active participation in class. Preparation for presentations. Preliminary reading. Observing deadlines for submitting translation assignments and creative work.
 class attendance/oral presentations/translation assignments/creative work/term paper
1.Introduction: Shakespeare in children's literature
2.Acting/reciting Shakespeare in children's literature 1
3.Acting/reciting Shakespeare in children's literature 2
4.Shakespearean imagery in children's literature
5.Shakespearean motifs in children's literature 1:Nature and supernature
6.Shakespearean motifs in children's literature 2: Magic and metamorphosis
7.Shakespearean motifs in children's literature 3: Family ties
8.Shakespeare as cultural catalyst in children's literature 1
9.Shakespeare as cultural catalyst in children's literature 2
10.Translation/creative work 1
11.Translation/creative work 2
12.Translation/creative work 3
13.Translation/creative work 4
14.Translation/creative work 5
15.Translation/creative work 6

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