コード MJ21-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 メディア?コミュニケーション特講2
副題 (Media and Entertainment Management Seminar)
副専攻 M3
担当者 北谷 賢司
単位 4
期?曜時 通年 木4
対象学年 3?4年

 The purpose of this special seminar is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of media and entertainment business structures, including film, television, theatrical, music publishing, concert promotion, gaming, digital signage and sports, and principal issues which are negotiated in intellectual property contracts.
 The class material is predominantly presented during class. Attendance is expected and will be checked daily.There will be many expert guest speakers who would appear via video conference during the class.
 None Required
 To be announced in class
 Attendance is expected and will be checked daily. Each student will be allowed one unexcused absence with no point reduction. Subsequent unexcused absences will result in a lowering of your grade at the rate of 5 points per missed class. You are expected to know the material covered even if you are absent on the day it was covered. It is your responsibility to get notes from your classmates and/or readings and handouts from the course web page or your coordinator in a timely manner.
 Course Requirements/Grading
1.    20% = 5 Quizzes
2.    20% = Mid-term Exam
3.    30% = Final Exam
4.    20% = 2 Impact Journals
5.    10% = Class participation
1.Course Introduction
2.Overview of Media Entertainment Business and Marketing
3.Concept of Copyright 1
4.Concept of Copyright 2
5.Motion Picture Production, Distribution and Marketing 1
6.Motion Picture Production, Distribution and Marketing 2
7.Motion Picture Production, Distribution and Marketing 3
8.Television Broadcasting Business 1
9.Television Broadcasting Business 2
10.Regional Television Broadcasting Business 1
11.Regional Television Broadcasting Business 2
12.Broadcast Management and Finance
13.Midterm Exam
14.Recorded Music Publishing and Distribution Business 1
15.Recorded Music Publishing and Distribution Business 2
16.Concert Touring Business 1
17.Concert Touring Business 2
18.Theatrical Business 1
19.Theatrical Business 2
20.3D & Digital Production 1
21.3D & Digital Production 2
22.Gaming & Entertainment Business
23.Sports Marketing 1
24.Sports Marketing 2
25.Television Shopping 24/7 Business
26.Television Shopping DRTV Business
27.Digital Signage
28.Academic Preparation and Professional Opportunities 1
29.Academic Preparation and Professional Opportunities 2
30.Final Exam
 Lecture Schedule We will try to adhere to the schedule as much as possible but we reserve the right to change it as needed to meet the scheduling and technological demands of the instructor and our remote guest speakers. Thank you ahead of time for your flexibility and patience with this process.
 Updated Information/Assignments: All students will be expected to check with the facilitator for updates and other course related news. It is also your personal responsibility to make sure the coordinator has your current
 e-mail address

Copyrights 2011 University of the Sacred Heart , Tokyo all rights reserved.

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