コード MM11-01
系列 系列:Ⅲ. Cultural Perspectives
授業科目 英語文化論[英語と聖書]1
担当者 松村 純
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 金4
対象学年 1(B)?2?3?4年

 Studying the Bible in English
 This course aims to aid students in obtaining general knowledge of the Bible and assist them in getting basic understanding of its messages. In the first half of each class, students learn about the Bible through lecture and group discussion. This year we will read the Gospel of Luke. In the second half of the class, students are requested to appreciate the messages of the Bible by silent reading and oral reading and connecting them with our daily experiences. Students are highly expected to share their ideas and opinions during the class. The course will be conducted primarily in English.
 新約聖書 GOOD NEWS NEW TESTAMENT 和英対照(日本聖書協会)
 To be announced in class.
 There will be a lot of group discussions in class. Active participation is highly expected.
 Attendance / Journal / Short Report / Term Paper
1.Introduction to the Bible
2.Luke (1) The Birth of John
3.Luke (2) The Birth of Jesus
4.Luke (3) Movie watching: "The Nativity Story"
5.Luke (4) The Temptation of Jesus
6.Luke (5) Happiness and Sorrows
7.Luke (6) The Parable of the Good Samaritan
8.Luke (7) Jesus' Teaching on Prayer
9.Luke (8) Do Not Worry
10.Luke (9) Jesus Heals a Sick Man
11.Luke (10) The Parable of the Lost Sheep
12.Luke (11) The Coming of the Kingdom of God
13.Luke (12) The Last Supper / Jesus' prayer in gethsemane
14.Luke (13) The Crucifixion /Jesus' Death / Resurrection
15.Review of the First Term

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