コード MM32-01
系列 系列:Ⅲ. Cultural Perspectives
授業科目 英語文化論[児童文学]2
副題 (Fairy Tales and Their Tellers)
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水5
対象学年 2?3?4年

 Acquiring a knowledge of traditional fairy tales in their cultural and historical context. Identifying the problematics of dealing with fairy tales today. Relating the knowledge acquired to creative work.
 This course focuses on some well-known fairy tales and explore their complicated interactions with society and history. The presence of fairies, the moral function, the oral anonymity of the ultimate source, the happy ending, and metamorphosis will be focused on as defining the genre.
 Jack Zipes, ed. The Great Fairy Tale Tradition (Norton, 2001).
 Marina Warner. From the Beast to the Blond (Vintage, 1995). Other material will be introduced in class.
 Class participation, oral presentations, creative work. Enrollment will be limited to 60 students. Students who wish to enroll should enquire at the English Department Office before registering.
 Class participation, oral presentations, creative work.
2.Absent Mothers: Cinderella 1
3.Absent Mothers: Cinderella 2
4.Wicked Stepmothers: The Sleeping Beauty 1
5.Wicked Stepmothers: The Sleeping Beauty 2
6.Demon Lovers: Bluebeard 1
7.Demon Lovers: Bluebeard 2
8.Reluctant Brides: Beauty and the Beast 1
9.Reluctant Brides: Beauty and the Beast 2
10.The Runaway Girls: Donkeyskin 1
11.The Runaway Girls: Donkeyskin 2
12.The Silence of the Daughters: The Little Mermaid 1
13.The Silence of the Daughters: The Little Mermaid 2
14.Presentations 1
15.Presentations 2

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