コード LG23-01
授業科目 臨床心理学特講5
副題 (Foundations of Psychopathology)
副専攻 L1
担当者 山宮 裕子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 金4
対象学年 2?3?4年

 The main objectives of this course are to learn the overview of psychopathology and major psychological problems, to understand etiologies of the psychological disorders based on scientific information and evidence, and to discuss about the preventions and treatments of the psychological disorders.
 In many societies, numerous people suffer from a variety of psychopathology. In this course, we will learn the major forms of emotional and behavioral disorders, including depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, to name a few, and examine their causes, symptoms, clinical course, and treatment.
 All materials will be provided in class.
 The entire class will be conducted in English, so please prepare well for each class. If anything is unclear, or if there's any problem/concern, don't ever hesitate to ask your instructor. Moreover, it's extremely important for you to come to class regularly, on time. The attendance and grade are positively correlated. If you must miss any class for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness, family emergency), make sure to obtain the notes and other materials from your classmate. Students should attend the first class.
 5 best scores of 6 mini tests (45.5%), In-Class Quizzes/Attendance (9%), Final Exam (45.5%)
1.Introduction to Course (Chapter 1)
2.Overview and Basics of Psychopathology (Chapter 2)
3.Assessment (Chapter 3)
  Mini Exam 1
4.No Class (Preparation for Seishin Festival)
5.Diagnosis (Chapter 3)
6.Anxiety Disorders (Chapter 5)
  Mini Exam 2
7.Phobias (Chapter 5)
8.Depression (Chapter 7)
  Mini Exam 3
9.Bipolar Disorders (Chapter 7)
10.Anorexia Nervosa (Chapter 8)
  Mini Exam 4
11.Bulimia Nervosa (Chapter 8)
12.Schizophrenia (Chapter 13)
  Mini Exam 5
13.Schizophrenia (Chapter 13)
  Mini Exam 6
15.Final Exam

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