コード MD05-01
授業科目 3年英語学演習3-1
副題 (Second Language Learning)
副専攻 M1
担当者 藤井 彰子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 金2
対象学年 3年

 In this course, students will develop their ability to
(1) read,interpret, and make a presentation of research articles on second language learning
(2) design, carry out, and report on their own research study
 This course focuses on the role of the learner in second language learning. Students will read, present, and discuss research articles on topics such as anxiety, motivation, and learning strategies. Students will learn how to interpret the articles critically, by considering carefully how the research was conducted and the implications of research for language teaching and learning. In the second half of the course, students will gain practical experience in designing and carrying out their own research project investigating learners' roles in second language learning.
 Johnson, K. (2008). Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (2nd Edition). Pearson Education.
 Complete the assigned readings before class, complete your assignments on time, and participate actively in class.
 Attendance, participation in class, assignments and final project
2.Guided reading of a research article (1): Organization, key words, main ideas, and definitions
3.Guided reading of a research article(2): Method, results, discussion, conclusion
4.Presentation and discussion of research articles: Willingness to communicate
5.Presentation and discussion of research articles: Learner anxiety
6.Presentation and discussion of research articles: Motivation
7.Presentation and discussion of research articles: Learning strategies
8.Research Methods
9.Project: Research design
10.Project: Data collection
11.Project: Data analysis
12.How to give an effective presentation
13.Presentation of projects
14.Presentation of projects
15.Written reports and reflections

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