コード MD12-01
授業科目 3年英米文学演習3-2
副題 (Junior Seminar for Independent Research)
副専攻 M2
担当者 三浦 笙子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水3
対象学年 3年

 As a junior seminar, we will study literary works to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge on how to study literature and do independent research. This seminar will limit the period of study from the turn-of-the century era to the present, on literary works in English. Each student will make a reading list and schedule and pursue her independent subject and research in preparation for the graduation thesis in their senior year. Each student will read the necessary works and criticism and make a report as research progresses. We will end with an oral presentation and a research paper which will help lead the student to her senior thesis.
 Much of the class time will be devoted to discussions--expressing independent and critical thinking, literary interpretation, research and discussion. Besides the final paper, written assignments and oral presentations are required.
 The reading will depend on the project of each student.
 Given to the class as needed.
 This seminar will be conducted entirely in English. Read the required item on your reading list by the required time. Active participation in discussions in English is required. Continued silence will mean decline in grade points. Do not miss more than 4 classes.
 Final paper, presentations, oral participation in class, and written assignments.
1.Introductory lecture. Students report on their choice of research. Do research on possible readings and choose the items to read.
2.Discuss each choice. Make a reading schedule for individual presentations.
3.Turn in your reading list and schedule. Begin reading in preparation for the first presentation. The emphasis will be on literary works by your author other than the one(s) you have chosen for your graduation thesis.
4.Report on your reading. Prepare to give a close reading and analysis.
5.First presentation. Begin reading for your second presentation. The emphasis will be on scholarship and criticism on your subject.
6.Report on your reading (first piece of criticism)
7.Report on your reading (second piece of criticism)
8.Report on your reading (third piece of criticism)
9.Report on your reading (four piece of criticism)
10.Brainstorming on a possible thesis statement for the final paper.
11.Discuss thesis development.
12.Turn in your sentence outline
  Presentation and discussion
13.Second presentation and discussion
14.Second presentation and discussion. Revise paper as necessary.
15.Final paper due (3 pages)
Contact me by e-mail if you have a question.

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