コード MD56-01
授業科目 4年英語学演習3-2
副題 (Second Language Learning: Thesis Research)
副専攻 M1
担当者 藤井 彰子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水3
対象学年 4年

 The goals of this course are for students to
1. Describe and discuss the findings from their original research
2. Make connections between their data (Chapter 2) and theory (Chapter 1) and to the real world.
3. Take an active role in revising and editing their writing
4. Design an attractive and effective scripted presentation of their thesis study
5. Give an oral presentation of their thesis study using Power Point.
 This course is a continuation of 4年英語学演習3-1
 The course will guide students through the steps necessary to finish Chapter 2 and to create coherence between Chapters 1 & 2. Students will report on their progress and give each other feedback in guided peer review sessions. Students will take an active role in writing, revising and editing their work on schedule. They will give scripted presentations of their theses using Power Point.
 Trimmer, J. (2012). A guide to MLA documentation. Wadsworth.
 Attendance is crucial. Any absence without advance notice will result in severe penalties. Effort towards timely completion of the assignments is also essential.
 Evaluation will be based on attendance, preparation for class, timely completion of the assignments, and quality of research and writing
1.Presentation of Chapter 2 (Method, Analysis, Results, Discussion & Conclusion) and work schedule (1)
2.Presentation of Chapter 2 (Method, Analysis, Results, Discussion & Conclusion) and work schedule (2)
3.Review of model research paper: Language awareness
4.Workshop: Method
5.Workshop: Analysis and Results
6.Workshop: Presenting your data (using tables and graphs)
7.Workshop: Discussion and Conclusion
8.Common errors, dictionary use, and editing
9.Workshop: List of works cited
10.Workshop: Final proofreading and checking of format
11.Preparation for presentations (outlines, slide design, scripts)
12.Presentations of thesis research (1)
13.Presentations of thesis research (2)
14.Presentations of thesis research (3)

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