コード MG18-01
授業科目 英米文学特講5-1
副題 (Multicultural Perspectives in American Literature I)
副専攻 M2
担当者 三浦 笙子
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 水2
対象学年 3?4年

 America is a “salad bowl” of different cultures and races. American writers have tried to depict and solve the racial and cultural conflict in their works. We will first read how the white writers addressed the problem and then how the problem looked from the “other” side, among African Americans and other non-white races. The final objective is to revise our own perspective of American culture.
 Lectures will be given to analyze closely each text. Class discussions will follow. A reading test will be given almost every week at the start of the lecture to check on how well you have read the work. The final exam will be an essay exam on one question.
1.(前期)Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: An Authoritative Text, Contexts, Sources and Criticism (Norton Critical Editions 1998)
2.(前期)William Faulkner, Go Down, Moses (Vintage International)
 To be announced as the content of the lectures requires.
 Read the English text carefully. Take good lecture notes. Participate actively in the discussions. The lectures will be in English.
 Do not miss more than 2 of the reading tests. Do not miss more than 4 classes.
 Evaluation will be based on the essay exam, participation in the discussions and reading tests.
1.Introduction: The Meaning of Multiculturalism
2.Lecture on Mark Twain and the Racial Question
3.Lecture on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn--Huck and Jim
4.Lecture on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Close reading. Discussion of themes
5.Lecture on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
6.Lecture on "The Murders in the Rue Morgue"
7.Lecture on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
8.Lecture on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
9.Lecture on Faulkner and Go Down, Moses, the racial issue in the South
10.Lecture on Go Down, Moses: Close reading Discussion on themes, characters, race issue
11.Lecture on Go Down, Moses
12.Lecture on Go Down, Moses
13.Lecture on Go Down, Moses
14.Summary Lecture
15.Final Essay Exam
 Take good lecture notes.
 Participate in class discussions.

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