コード MD57-01
授業科目 4年英米文学演習1-1
副題 (Thesis Research in Shakespeare and Children's Literature)
副専攻 M2
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 水3
対象学年 4年

 Acquiring a critical awareness of Shakespeare's works and works of children's literature. Acquiring the tools to analyze texts and refining critical and thinking skills in writing graduation theses.
 What issues come to the fore in exploring Shakespeare's plays and children's literature today? This course offers a range of critical approaches which students are encouraged to apply to their individual analyses in their graduation theses; the topics below are subject to change according to the students' thesis topics. The course begins on the assumption that students are midway in the writing of their theses, and offers students the opportunity to engage in some of the actual writing during class.
 To be announced.
 Handouts to be distributed in class.
 Reference books will be introduced in class.
 Active participation in class. Preparation for presentations. Preliminary reading. Attending assigned performances and watching assigned films. All deadlines must be met.
 class attendance/thesis presentations/quizzes/reviews on assigned performances and films/writing assignments
1.Workshop 1: Reviewing topic, outline and thesis schedule progress
2.Workshop 2: Refining vocabulary, rhetoric and logical development
3.Workshop 3: Using online databases for texts and performance
4.Focus on language 1
5.Focus on language 2
6.Focus on characters 1
7.Focus on characters 2
8.Focus on themes 1
9.Focus on themes 2
10.Focus on cultural perspectives 1
11.Focus on cultural perspectives 2
12.Focus on adaptations 1
13.Focus on adaptations 2
14.Discussion 1
15.Discussion 2

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