コード MF21-01
授業科目 英語学特講1-1
副題 (English as an International Language (EIL))
副専攻 M1
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 火3
対象学年 2?3?4年

 At the end of this course, students will have a critical understanding of the history and spread of the English language, its current status as an international language of communication in the 21st century, and issues that affect English language education worldwide. This course will be useful for English majors who are pursuing specialized studies in English linguistics and TESOL.
 The purpose of this introductory course is to give students a basic and critical understanding of the impact of English as a global language in the 21st century. In this course, we will discover how English is spoken, taught and learned in various countries around the world. We will also explore how English became one of the world's most powerful languages, and how globalization has had an impact on how English is perceived worldwide. A further area of focus is the role and function of English in relation to other languages in other countries.
 English in the World: History, Diversity, Change (edited by Philip Seargeant & Joan Swann). 2012. Routledge.
 Supplemental handouts will be provided by the instructor.
 Students should find study partners to assist each other in keeping up with the reading assignments and other course requirements. Students should also create a gmail account for the class website so they can access supplementary information, class announcements and participate in online discussions about topics related to the course.
 Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Online Discussions, Classwork and Homework, World English Project
1.What is EIL?
2.The Spread of English
3.The Concentric Circles
4.Features of World Englishes
5.Early History of English
6.English and Colonialism
7.English as a Lingua Franca
8.Midterm Exam
9.English and Globalization
10.Language Policies in English Education
11.English as a Medium of Instruction
12.Teaching English around the World: Issues and Challenges
13.The Role of English in Japan
14.English in the Future
16.Final Exam

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