コード MG13-01
授業科目 英米文学特講2-2
副題 (Chronological Study of Poetry (from the Victorian Age))
副専攻 M2
担当者 堀田 公子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水1
対象学年 3?4年

 The purpose of this course is to enjoy the depth and breadth of literature through reading and discussing a variety of comparatively short poems. The poems will be studied in chronological order so that we can attain a sense of the historical development of poetry.
 We will read, analyze, and sometimes learn by heart representative British poems in chronological order. We will also read some American poems.
 Reading materials will be distributed in class.
 Reference books will be recommended in class.
 Students are expected to participate actively in class.
 Class participation, short papers, and semester examination
2.The Victorian Age(1): Alfred Lord Tennyson
3.The Victorian Age(2): Robert Browning, Matthew Arnold
4.The Victorian Age (3): Christina Rossetti, Emily Dickinson
5.The 19th to the 20th Centuries: Gerard Manley Hopkins, A. E. Housman
6.The 19th to the 20th Centuries: William B. Yeats, Edwin Arlington Robinson
8.The 20th Century (1): Wilfred Owen, Robert Frost
9.The 20th Century (2): William Carlos Williams, D. H. Lawrence
10.The 20th Century (3) Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot
11.The 20th Century (4) Stevie Smith, Langston Hughes
12.The 20th Century (5) W. H. Auden, Elizabeth Bishop
13.The 20th Century (6) Dylan Thomas, etc.
14.The 20th to the 21st Centuries: Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney, etc

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