コード MG19-01
授業科目 英米文学特講5-2
副題 (Twentieth-century American Fiction: Fitzgerald and the Greatness of Loss)
副専攻 M2
担当者 三浦 笙子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 水2
対象学年 3?4年

 The confidence and paradoxical self-doubt that colored the American consciousness in the twentieth century is perhaps best expressed in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. We will compare it to his short story “The Rich Boy” and read the novel as an exposé of the sense of loss underlying the modern age.
 Lectures will be given to analyze closely each text. Class discussions will follow. Reading tests will be given to check on how well you have read the text in English. The final exam will be an essay exam on one question.
 F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby. Kodansha Bunko.
 (“The Rich Boy” will be read on-line.)
 To be announced as the content of the lectures requires.
 Read the English text carefully. Take good lecture notes. Participate actively in the discussions. The lectures will be in English.
 Do not miss more than 3 of the reading tests. Do not miss more than 4 classes.
 Evaluation will be based on the final essay exam, participation in the discussions and reading tests.
1.Introduction: Fitzgerald's career and the Jazz Age
2.Lecture on Fitzgerald's losses and the Lost Generation
3.Lecture on “The Rich Boy”--The ambiguity of “being rich”
4.Lecture on “The Rich Boy”--Love and guilt
5.Lecture on “The Rich Boy”--The loss of youth
6.Lecture on The Great Gatsby--The outdated American Dream
7.Lecture on The Great Gatsby-- Daisy as femme fatale
8.Lecture on The Great Gatsby-- Gatsby's ambivalent criminality
9.Lecture on The Great Gatsby-- The problem of Nick's subjectivity
10.Lecture on The Great Gatsby-- The Wilsons' American Dream
11.Lecture on The Great Gatsby-- The similarity of two deaths
12.Lecture on The Great Gatsby-- Where is God? The water imagery
13.Lecture on The Great Gatsby-- The rich in a “Waste Land”--wealth and loss in America
14.Summary Lecture
15.Final Essay Exam
 E-mail me if you have any question.
 Do not miss more than one-third of the reading tests.
 Do not miss more than 4 classes.

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