コード MM35-01
授業科目 英語文化論[翻訳実践]2
副題 (Translation in Practice 2)
担当者 安達 まみ
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 月5
対象学年 2?3?4年

 Acquiring a heightened awareness of the infinite possibilities of both source language and target language. Acquiring a sound sense of grammar and logic and enlarging vocabulary in both English and Japanese. Acquiring a familiarity with different types of translation.
 Translation is an exciting act of creation. It requires a sound and imaginative understanding of both source language and target language. Constant practice is the key to becoming a competent translator. Students are expected to make the most of the opportunities offered in this course to engage in various types of translation, particularly nonfiction, fiction, children's literature to drama captions.
 Handouts to be distributed in class.
 To be introduced in class.
 All assignments must be submitted on time. There will be a selection process at the beginning of the first semester. Students who wish to enroll should enquire at the English Department Office before registering.
 Weekly assignments. Class attendance. Participation in discussions. Peer reviews.
1.Introduction to translation
2.Translating short samples
3.Translating nonfiction 1
4.Translating nonfiction 2
5.Translating nonfiction 3
6.Translating fiction 1
7.Translating fiction 2
8.Translating fiction 3
9.Translating children's literature 1
10.Translating children's literature 2
11.Translating children's literature 3
12.Translating drama captions 1
13.Translating drama captions 2
14.Translating drama captions 3
15.Review and assessment

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