
International Center
The International Center provides a variety of programs to assist students seeking opportunities to broaden their international perspectives.
The Center offers study abroad programs for students. The Center also offers opportunities to take TOEFL-ITP test on campus for students to elevate their English competency.
The Center hosts international students from various countries every academic year. Programs for international students include the undergraduate program and the exchange program.
The Center promotes the exchange of cultures and ideas between Japanese and international students on campus through events such as Welcome/Farewell parties and other various cultural exchange events for students.

Madeleine-Sophie Center
Our Center helps students who seek a social mission in their life, and provides them with opportunities to continuously pursue their mission defined by the spirit of Kyo-Sei (a symbiosis relationship). Information on volunteer service activities is available to anyone. Students interested are welcome to participate in any of the activities. In addition, the University of the Sacred Heart has many student organizations for social service activities. They play an active part in their respective field, and it is one of the Center’s important tasks to assist their activities.
The University of the Sacred Heart was founded as a community to hold faith in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. With this faith, we keep our doors wide open in a bid to give as many opportunities as possible to students who wish to know more about the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to live according to His Heart. The Center introduces many on-campus activities to students such as Bible Study Groups, prayer meetings, and retreats. For a student who is planning to be baptized, the Center helps her prepare for baptism. Mass is held throughout the school year.

First-Year Student Center
The First-Year Student Center supports first-year students in every aspect of their college life and learning in their initial stage at our university until they decide on their academic major. Students can also use the Center to study or take a break. First-year students are required to take General Lecture, a guest lecture series organized by the First-Year Student Center, which provides an opportunity to enhance knowledge and broaden perspectives as well as to understand the educational principles of the university.

Career Guidance Center
The Center supports students who seek jobs in corporations and public offices (to become civil servants), and as teachers, or those who wish to go on to graduate schools or vocational colleges. The Center believes in guiding the student to find the job that best suits her. The Center emphasizes self-evaluation by the students in order for them to better understand their own competencies, characters, and factors affecting their career paths. The Center provides job guidance sessions for students to participate in various seminars. Certified career counselors offer personal advice to students as well.

Health Service Center
The Health Support Center offers various school health services such as health consultations, health education programs, the annual health check, and emergency medical treatment.
The Student Counseling Office offers counseling for students, including graduate students. We are also available for consultation on any matter. All our counselors are certified clinical psychologists and psychological testing is available for those who are interested. You can apply for a consultation through USH-Cloud or official University website, or you can come to our office in person. The Office keeps consultations strictly confidential.

The Palace, formerly called the Kuni Palace, was built in 1924 as the residence of Prince Kuni, the father of Princess Nagako who married the then Prince Regent Hirohito earlier in the same year. The Palace was recognized as a Important Cultural Property of Japan in 2017.

Marian Hall
The hall completed in 1954 was named in honor of the year of Virgin Mary.
The two-story building with a total floor space of about 1,993 square meters consists of meeting and reception rooms called the parlor on the first floor, and a large lecture hall with a seating capacity of 1,000 on the second floor. The large lecture hall is widely used for the enrollment ceremony and the commencement ceremony, school events and general lectures for the first-year students.
The engraved Latin words on the facade of the building, STVDIORVM VNIVERSITAS SACRATISSIMI CORDIS mean the “University of the Sacred Heart.”

Built in 1959, the chapel accommodates 700 worshippers and celebrants. The choir usually stands in the second floor gallery. The chapel accommodates students for various purposes including mass for enrollment and the commencement ceremony, students’ mass, daily morning mass, and Christmas concerts.
The chapel also warmly welcomes back alumnae for various purposes.

Student Residence
The University provides residence facilities for about 350 students who need to commute long distance, and international students. Those who are interested in student housing are requested to contact the Student Residence Office for more detailed information.
Sacred Heart Global Plaza (Building No. 4)
Sacred Heart Global Plaza is located on the first to third floors in the 4th building of the University of the Sacred Heart. We provide open access to the community and wider society, offering education and research, as well opportunities to make social contributions through collaboration, on both a local and global scale.

The BE*hive, which is a designated area within the Sacred Heart Institute for Sustainable Futures, is an important space for students and visitors to meet and engage in critical thought, while being challenged by “quality questions”. We sincerely hope that you will encounter various global issues through our exhibitions and workshops, and then begin to sharpen your intellect by studying these issues, and/or actively joining with others to propose solutions for these issues. BE*hive’s “BE” originates from UNESCO’s call for “Learning to Be”, and from Rev. Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who created a new word “Interbeing”, which reflects the word “Kyosei”, or “Symbiosis”. These “Bes” are rightly nurtured in this Hive.
Le Pommier d’Or, the majestic apple tree mosaic located on the ground floor of this building, is symbolic of the BE*hive space. To bear apples, bees are indispensable for pollination. Thus, our BE*hive is the starting point for students to engage in various issues, and as a result, bearing fruits in the future, harvesting sustainability in spots around the globe.
Mural painting “Le Pommier d’Or, golden apple”

by Kyoji Takubo, artist of the mural
Mural painting “Le Pommier d’Or, golden apple”
“Le Pommier d’Or, golden apple” originated from Greek mythology, but the theme is deeply connected to biodiversity and sustainable society, both of which are critical for contemporary culture and civilization. The mural represents the importance of confronting global problems, as well as taking action, through refining our human thought and sensibility. Through this learning process, we can care for the lives of others, and all things. This mural is made of natural stones from all over the world, including countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. “I hope that the ‘golden apple’ will be a symbol of the intellect and culture of the students of the Sacred Heart University, and eventually, I hope it becomes a symbol of a sustainable world,” says Mr. Kyoji Takubo, artist of the mural.